Friday 7 November 2014

DIY Weight Loss Drink!

If you've read my previous posts you will probably have gathered that I don't have much money to go splashing on any fancy miracle products, so once again, here is a cheap and cheerful drink to aid weight loss! I thought this was quite appropriate considering its getting closer to Christmas and the party season where the majority of us want to feel and look amazing. This is an easy way to get the ball rolling... I must warn you though... it is rather potent and of course it may not work with everyone, but it works for me so I thought I would share! 

Keep reading to see how I made it!


1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp honey
1/2 lemon (juice)
100ml hot water


I started with the dry ingredients (cinnamon and ginger) so if I mucked it up I could easily take it out of the mug... but it isn't difficult at all!

Add the cinnamon to the mug...

...then the ginger.


Squeeze the lemon juice into the mug, making sure no seeds fly out!


Warm the teaspoon and then scoop up the honey and add it to the mixture, the honey should slide right off!


Then pour the hot water into the mug, stir and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds.


Drink this twice a day!
(Only drink this on an empty stomach, so in the morning before you have your breakfast and then a couple of hours before you go to bed.) 

You will probably feel quite hungry once you have drunk this in the evening, but don't eat anything...that won't make you lose weight, funnily enough! The reason for this is that it boosts your metabolism so your body can easily digest food and therefore flush your system through without holding as much 'bad stuff'. 

I hope this helps! If it does, I'm planning on doing some more weight loss posts, let me know if you would would be interested! 

Speak soon!
Isabel x


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