Right then, this is something a little bit different for my blog... a post about personal wellbeing. I believe that this is a really important topic to cover and still kind of relates to my usual beauty posts, as personal wellbeing impacts on things like your skin.
DISCLAIMER: These are just my opinions and things that I have learned over time and work for me.
I'm going to start with a few things I wish I had been told or had learned in my early teens (and even a bit before) which relate to mental wellbeing and body image.
1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day (it will help your skin and make you feel a lot better about yourself).
2. Everyone's body develops at different rates.
3. It is completely normal to have one boob that it slightly bigger than the other.
4. Don't let people walk all over you, but still be respectful to them (as much as you can).
5. Be grateful for everything that happens in your life, bad or good, because it makes you who you are and allows you to grow and learn.
6. Don't do anything just because everyone else is. If you don't want to do something for whatever reason, whether that be for a medical or religious reason or that you just aren't ready... if your 'friends' are good enough 'friends' then they won't pressure you or make you feel insignificant for not doing something. If they do... ditch 'um!
7. Don't leave your work/school work to the last minute, you will only regret it! Work hard and do all you can. It may be stressful, so allow yourself some time out, but not too much that you get out of the swing of things!
8. Spend as much time with those that care about you and respect you.
9. If you want something doing... do it yourself. Sorry to say this but... most people will let you down!
10. If you have an issue with someone or something they have done.. sit them down and have a chat. 'Bitching' behind someones back does more harm than good.
11. Start your day off with positivity... even if you feel like the world is crumbling around you and everything keeps going wrong, there is always someone out there who loves you dearly, but most importantly you've got to love yourself before you can let anyone else love YOU.
The final point brings me onto my next section...
I have battled, like most people, with having a negative thought process. It has gotten me in to all sorts of sticky situations, for example, panic attacks, not being able to go out with friends because I feel like I look disgusting, crying a lot, not wanting to fully undress in front of anyone, taking out my negativity on other people... it's not a healthy way to live at all. Yes, I still have days where I feel rubbish, where I hate the world, think it would be easier if I just wasn't around, want to stay inside and not show my face but that would just eat me alive if I didn't change my mental outlook on life and myself.
Here are a few things that I do or say to myself to help with my self-esteem!
1. Yes there are a lot of people who are worse off in the world and I am very lucky and I acknowledge that. However, if I have an issue that is sincerely bothering me, voice it. Let it out to somebody or even write it down...
2. Don't compare yourself to anyone else, everyone is individual and the world would be VERY dull if we were all the same. If someone can't accept you then that's their problem, not yours.
3. In the morning tell yourself at least 5 things that you like about yourself. It can be physical, a talent you have or part of your personality.
4. All of your 'flaws' aren't as apparent to other people as you think.
5. 'Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile.'
6. If something bad happens in your life, allow yourself to feel the emotions that come alongside that situation. For example, multiple things have happened in my life this year that have really tested my strength... I have allowed myself to feel sad, worried, scared... even angry at times. However, I made sure that I didn't let it consume me. Have a cut off point for those negative emotions and rise above them and the situation. Strive for happiness, do all you can to help others and yourself.
7. Don't judge other people before you know them, you don't know what they have been through to make them the way they are. Most of the time.. the people who are the meanest, most 'dickish' are those who have been hurt badly in the past or are going through a tough time and don't know how to channel their negativity and feel like they have to put a front on to the world. They are actually those people who need asking how they are and need a big cuddle.
8. Compliment at least two people a day... you never know, it could be the only nice thing someone says to them (which is really sad!). It doesn't even have to be a 'physical appearance' compliment.. just letting them know you are proud of them or you're thankful they are part of their life. (I don't even care how cheesy I am!!)
I'm not perfect, I have done horrible things in the past to myself and others when I've been going through a tough time and I sincerely apologise to those people I've hurt. But I don't regret what I have done because I wouldn't have learned anything and grown as a person. I hope this has helped at least one of you. Keep smiling :)
(Let me know if you like this post and if you want me to cover some things in more detail!)
Speak soon
Isabel x