Sunday 2 August 2015

"When are you next doing a blog post?" UPDATE

Hey everyone!

I first of all want to apologise for my absence... once again. A lot has been going on (good and bad) so I've just been trying to adapt. I have had lots of time assess my life and what I want and not writing has really impacted me- it has made me realise how much I love it and how lost I feel without it. I've just felt like I'm not good enough and that there isn't any point in me writing anything just for the sake of it or to make other people happy. My blog is one of my creative outlets which I want to enjoy and be proud of but I just haven't been in the right mind set to succeed and put pressure on myself to write regularly. 

However, I am feeling a lot better now! (YAY!) As I have said in previous posts and at the beginning of this one- A lot has been happening in my life recently that I've found hard to handle and then when I finally started feeling better, something else happened to knock me again. I've most certainly grown up a lot and am quite proud of myself for how far I have come, and I know those around me would agree. I have had a complete lifestyle change (which I will get into in another post) and now I think it is time for me to face the world, in full force! 

So, to make it a lot easier to post more regularly I have got a new camera, the Canon Powershot G7 X to be precise! I was previously struggling taking pictures on my own as I was using my brother's digital SLR cameras with lights, reflectors etc but that just wasn't practical to carry around. I want to be able to take pictures wherever I am and of whatever I want, to a reasonably high quality and this new camera definitely allows me to do that. Despite having actually taken multiple pictures in July (I got the camera at the end on June)- I just haven't felt confident enough to write (for whatever reason). But those pictures aren't going to waste! I will be posting a few more things during the week... keep an eye out. 

Thank you for understanding, I really appreciate it. I also want to thank my friends, family and work colleagues for supporting me and making me laugh when I could have easily cried. You all mean so much to me and I hope I show that. 

If you are going through something crappy at the moment, you can get through it, you are stronger than you think you are. It can't rain forever...

Isabel x

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